List of 3 spin-off private equity funds from Spain [2023]

List of 3 spin-off private equity funds from Spain [2023]

This document provides a brief evaluation of the worldwide private equity investor database. Our team utilized a keyword tracking tool to identify investors who used spin-off-related terminology on their websites. As a result, we have produced a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet that can precisely identify relevant investors in the spin-off sector.

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Spin-off transactions in private equity usually involve a parent company divesting a business unit or subsidiary, which then becomes an independent company. This process frequently occurs when the parent company determines that the spin-off business is outside its core operations or strategic focus. In this article, we are introducing two interesting spin-off-focused private equity funds from our keyword crawler-based spin-off-private equity investors list.

1. Inveready (Barcelona)

Inveready, a venture capital firm based in Barcelona, has been actively involved in several spin-off transactions, particularly in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. One of its most notable investments is a stake in Transbiomed, the first spin-off from Barcelona’s Vall d’Hebron Research Institute. Transbiomed, in collaboration with VHRI, has developed a diagnostic tool for the early detection of prostate cancer and has made a significant contribution to medical progress in this field.

2. Caixa Capital Risc (Barcelona)

Based in Barcelona, Caixa Capital Risc is the venture capital arm of CriteriaCaixa. It specializes in investing in innovative companies, especially in their start-up and growth phases. The company manages more than 200 million euros through 9 specialized investment vehicles and has made more than 250 investments since 2007. Some of its notable transactions include the exit of Travel Compositor, which joined European leader Travelsoft in May 2023, and the lead of a €5.5 million Series A financing round for Zinklar in July 2022.

Picture Source: Unsplash

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