Capricorn Partners’ Solar Investment: Do They Back Solar Startups?


We wrote this article while researching for our list of the 400 largest solar energy startup focused venture capital funds. The list can be downloaded with a few clicks and includes the most relevant investors for solar energy startups. We identified the included funds based on our sophisticated crawler technology and manual research.

Capricorn Partners: A Beacon for Solar Energy Startups?

With a clear focus on innovation and technology, Capricorn Partners has established itself as a significant player in the venture capital landscape. Based in Leuven, Belgium, this independent manager of venture capital, growth capital, and quoted equity funds is dedicated to investing in companies that leverage technology as a competitive advantage. But does their investment strategy shine a light on solar energy startups?

The Investment Focus of Capricorn Partners

Capricorn Partners’ investment portfolio spans across various sectors with a strong emphasis on digital technologies, health, and clean technologies. Their approach is not just about financial returns but also creating strategic value with a positive impact on society and the environment. This dual focus aligns well with the principles behind solar energy – an industry driven by both technological innovation and sustainability.

Advancing Clean Technologies

A deep dive into Capricorn’s funds reveals their Capricorn Cleantech Fund which specifically targets advancements in green chemistry, circular economy, and carbon-neutrality. While the fund covers an array of clean technologies, its commitment to reducing ecological impact and improving natural resource usage presents an encouraging sign for solar energy startups looking for investment support.

Solar Energy Startups within the Portfolio?

The cleantech sector is broad, encompassing sustainable solutions across many industries. Capricorn’s portfolio includes companies like Econic and Virovet that are pioneering in advanced chemicals/materials and food & feed respectively. Although not explicitly stated as solar energy firms, these types of investments demonstrate Capricorn’s interest in disruptive technologies with global market potential – characteristics common to promising solar energy ventures.

Geographical Reach and Investment Strategy

Capricorn Partners primarily focuses on opportunities within Europe but also extends its reach through the Capricorn Fusion China Fund which builds investment bridges between Europe and China. This international perspective could benefit solar startups looking to scale up globally or enter new markets.

Past Investments Reflecting Renewable Commitment

In scrutinizing past investments such as those listed under Quest Cleantech – another fund managed by Capricorn that enables cleaner use of natural resources – it becomes evident that there’s an appetite for renewable energies within their strategy. However, specific mention of investments directly into solar startups remains elusive based on available data.

Closing Thoughts

While direct evidence of investments in solar energy startups by Capricorn Partners isn’t explicitly documented in public records at this time, their overarching commitment to clean technologies provides hope for such ventures seeking financial backing. With assets under management spanning multiple funds dedicated to forward-thinking sectors including cleantech, it stands to reason that innovative solar energy projects could be within their scope of interest now or in the future.

Contacting Capricorn Partners

Solar energy startups interested in exploring potential investment opportunities with Capricorn Partners can reach out directly via their official contact details provided online. With offices located at Lei 19, 3000 Leuven, Belgium – they are accessible for inquiries from budding entrepreneurs eager to make a mark in the renewable energy sector.

Picture source: Moritz Kindler

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