Does Cultivation Capital Fund Plant-Based Food Startups? A Deep Dive


We wrote this article while researching for our list of the 80 largest plant based food startup focused venture capital funds. The list can be downloaded with a few clicks and includes the most relevant investors for plant based food startups. We identified the included funds based on our sophisticated crawler technology and manual research.

About Cultivation Capital

Cultivation Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in young companies with the potential to transform the way we live and work. The firm was founded in 2012 and has since invested in startups based in over 25 states or countries. Their initial investments typically range from $100k – $3.5M during a startup’s Seed or Series A phase.

Investment Focus

Cultivation Capital invests across a variety of industries and stages, including Life Sciences & Health Tech, Software & IT, Agriculture & Food Tech, Midwest Seed Stage, and Geospatial Tech. They are committed to actively helping their portfolio companies with their operating experience and networks, often taking on board responsibilities to do so.

Plant-Based Food Startups

One of the key areas of interest for Cultivation Capital is Agriculture & Food Tech. This sector includes companies with innovations in crops, animal health, precision agriculture, sustainability, logistics, and food ingredients. While it’s not explicitly stated that they invest in plant-based food startups, the broad scope of their investment focus within this sector could potentially encompass such businesses.

Geographical Focus

Cultivation Capital recognizes that promising companies are located all over the globe. They have invested in startups based in over 25 states or countries. Their Midwest Seed Stage strategy specifically targets financial technology (FinTech), healthcare, and agriculture technology (AgTech) startups active in St. Louis or the greater Midwest region.

Office Locations

The firm has multiple office locations across the United States including St.Louis Missouri; Greenville South Carolina; Philadelphia Pennsylvania; Chicago Illinois.


In conclusion, while Cultivation Capital does not explicitly state that they invest in plant-based food startups, their broad investment focus within the Agriculture & Food Tech sector suggests that they may be open to such opportunities. For more specific information about their investment strategies and portfolio, visit the Cultivation Capital website.

Picture source: Hermes Rivera

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