Does Fabric Ventures Fund Cleantech Innovation? An In-Depth Look


We wrote this article while researching for our list of the 300 largest cleantech startup focused venture capital funds. The list can be downloaded with a few clicks and includes the most relevant investors for cleantech startups. We identified the included funds based on our sophisticated crawler technology and manual research.

Introduction to Fabric Ventures

Fabric Ventures, a prominent venture capital firm, has been at the forefront of supporting innovative startups since its inception. With a strong focus on the Open Web and Web3 ecosystems, Fabric Ventures has carved out a niche for itself by backing bold entrepreneurs who are reshaping the digital landscape. The firm operates primarily from its headquarters in London but maintains a global outlook with investments spanning across Europe and beyond.

Fabric Ventures’ Investment Philosophy

At the core of Fabric Ventures’ investment strategy lies a belief in the transformative power of technology and individual contribution. The firm champions projects that prioritize ownership, collaboration, and innovation without traditional boundaries. Their portfolio includes an array of companies in sectors such as infrastructure, gaming, payments, and open finance. With a team comprised of seasoned professionals like Anil Hansjee and Richard Muirhead, the firm leverages extensive experience in both traditional financial services and emerging blockchain technologies.

Fabric Ventures’ Commitment to Web3

Fabric Ventures has been an active participant in the Web3 space since 2016. They have consistently backed companies that contribute to building decentralized networks and digital organizations. Their commitment is evident through investments in infrastructure platforms like Polkadot and Near as well as gaming ventures such as Sorare and Immutable. These strategic choices underscore their dedication to fostering a decentralized future.

Cleantech Startups: Are They on Fabric’s Radar?

While Fabric Ventures has established itself firmly within the realms of Web3, blockchain infrastructure, and digital economies, there is no explicit mention of cleantech startups within their current public portfolio or investment thesis statements available online. However, considering their forward-thinking approach and commitment to innovation beyond traditional industries, it wouldn’t be surprising if they explore investments in cleantech startups that align with their broader vision for technological empowerment and societal impact.

Geographical Focus & Portfolio Diversity

Fabric Ventures boasts an impressive geographical reach with investments in companies based out of Switzerland (Polkadot), France (Sorare), Singapore (Nansen), Poland (Ramp), Australia (Immutable), among others. This diversity not only highlights their global investment strategy but also reflects an openness to opportunities that transcend borders.

The Future Path for Fabric Ventures

Looking ahead, Fabric Ventures continues to back the bold—those founders who dare to dream big about the future of technology. As they support trailblazing startups from pre-seed to growth stages, their influence on shaping tomorrow’s digital economy remains significant. For those interested in learning more about this dynamic venture capital firm or exploring potential investment opportunities with them, visit Fabric Ventures.

In conclusion, while cleantech startups are not explicitly mentioned within Fabric Ventures’ known investment domains at present time; given their track record for pushing boundaries within tech investing—particularly around decentralization—it would be reasonable for such startups aligned with sustainability goals to consider reaching out for potential synergy discussions with this pioneering VC firm.

Picture source: Priamo Mendez

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