List of 3 spin-off private equity funds from the UK [2023]

List of 3 spin-off private equity funds from the UK [2023]

This document presents a concise assessment of the global private equity investor database. Our team used a keyword tracking tool to identify investors who used spin-off-related terminology on their websites. Consequently, we have created a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet that can accurately identify relevant investors in the spin-off sector.

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Spin-off transactions in private equity usually involve a parent company divesting a business unit or subsidiary, which then becomes an independent company. This process frequently occurs when the parent company determines that the spin-off business is outside its core operations or strategic focus. In this article, we are introducing three interesting spin-off-focused private equity funds from our keyword crawler-based spin-off-private equity investors list.

1. Equistone Partners Europe (London)

Equistone Partners Europe, based in London, is a major player in the private equity sector, particularly in the mid-market segment. They have been involved in various transactions, including change of ownership deals, with a focus on investing in companies with an enterprise value of between €50 million and €500 million. A notable spin-off transaction facilitated by Equistone was the sale of EuroAvionics, a leading manufacturer of civil avionics systems, to HENSOLDT, a spin-off from Airbus Group’s Defence Electronics business. This transaction, completed in 2017, represents a significant step in Equistone’s strategy to strengthen the market position and international presence of its portfolio companies.

2. Yana Investment Partners (London)

Yana Investment Partners, located in London, specializes in private equity investments, with a focus on European small-cap companies. They partner with institutional investors, family offices, and asset managers to invest directly in privately held companies across Europe. Yana Investment Partners aims to create a diversified and resilient investment portfolio by investing in 4-5 transactions per year, with a total of around 15 companies over a 3-4 year period. This approach ensures diversification across different countries, sectors, deal partners, and investment types.

3. Alcuin Capital Partners LLP (London)

Alcuin Capital Partners LLP is a private equity firm based in London that specializes in growth capital and buyout transactions in UK companies. Their investments typically range from £10-30 million. Alcuin Capital Partners has been involved in several notable transactions, including their exit from Adapt, a leading UK-managed IT services provider, through an acquisition by Lyceum Capital in 2011. This exit was significant because Alcuin had initially supported Adapt in an MBO led by Peter Knight in 2006, and the company experienced substantial growth during its investment period.

Picture Source: Unsplash

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