List of 3 software private equity funds from France [2023]

List of 3 software private equity funds from France [2023]

This article is a direct result of our research efforts for our worldwide private equity investors database. Utilizing this database and our keyword crawler, we have compiled a roster of private equity investors who make references to software-related terms on their websites. The comprehensive list is available in Excel format and serves as an ideal resource for connecting with the most pertinent investors in the software industry.

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France and Paris, in particular, has emerged as significant European tech hub, and various investment funds and accelerators are supporting software startups in the region.
In this article, we are introducing three interesting software-focused private equity funds from our keyword crawler-based software private equity investors list.

1. Ardian

The Paris-based company Ardian is considered one of the largest European private equity funds. The firm operates in 17 offices worldwide and manages the world’s largest Primaries and Secondaries platform worth 89 Billion $. Recently in 2023, Ardian acquired stake in Mimacom Flowable Group. The Swiss digitalization specialist focuses on hyper automation and low-code software.


CAPZA is a French private equity with a concentration on small and mid-cap companies. Furthermore CAPZA, including its experienced team in the tech sector, continuously invests in profitable high-growth companies in the tech sector whose business model is focused on value creation. The firm is recognized as a tech expert, as CAPZA is invested through more than 60 tech companies with 2,4 Billion €. Their latest acquisition was Travelsoft, Europe’s leading provider of software platforms for the tourism industry.

3. La Maison Partners

The Parisian investment company La Maison Partners is mainly focused on investments in the tech sector. Containing two funds focused on Israeli technology companies, each one fund related to Silicon Valley and Chinese tech firms, and one Fintech fund, the majority of their portfolio is dedicated to tech/software companies. Since the company’s foundation La Maison Partners have realized more than eighty investments leading to 700 Million € under management.


Picture Source: Unsplash

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